Are you receiving calls from debt collectors and credit providers, threatening you for payment? Are they embarrassing you in the workplace? Debt Collectors often leave you feeling dejected or "criminal".
You should not have to put up with it. Debt Collectors and collection departments from credit providers are governed by the Debt Collectors Act, which states that they cannot:
- Intimidate or abuse a debtor in any way, either in writing or orally, to force you to pay
- Communicate with you, your spouse or your family in a manner which is harassing
What kind of debts are Debt Collectors looking for and when can Debt Collectors contact you?
If you have defaulted on personal debts such as credit card accounts, vehicle financing or your home loan, Debt Collectors can contact you for payment. Remember, the next time you get a call from a debt collector, be sure to:
- Stay calm and take down their contact details
- Their reference number
- Ask for proof of the of the debt they are asking you to pay
Debt Collectors may not call you at inconvenient times. This means that inappropriate calls - before 8am, after 9pm or at your place of work, is not allowed, unless you have indicated otherwise. It would be best to try and resolve the issue immediately in order to get them to stop further communication.
How to stop Debt Collectors and Credit Providers from harassing you?
If the Debt Collector continues to harass you or your family, you will need to contact the Debt Collector or Credit Provider, in writing, to stop doing so. Here is what you need to do:
- Send a certified letter to the Debt Collector/Credit provider
- Make a copy of the letter for your records
- Ensure you get proof that the letter has been received by the Debt Collector/Credit Provider
This should stop any further communication. However, this does not get rid of your debt. The Debt Collector or credit provider will still pursue legal means to collect the debt if you cannot pay the outstanding amount/s.
Need debt counselling or consolidation?
Explore DebtBusters' solutions for reducing your interest rates and unlocking cash.
Find out moreDebtBusters is here to help you!
We understand that good people find themselves in desperate financial positions because of life situations beyond their control. If you are struggling to make your monthly debt repayments and have been receiving abusive or threatening phone calls from debt collectors demanding you make payment which you cannot afford, DebtBusters can provide you with peace of mind that the next time your phone rings, it is not someone asking you to make payment!
Here's how:
DebtBusters’ professional and caring people will ensure that you are treated with the respect and dignity you deserve.
- WE can give you FREE and CONFIDENTIAL credit assessment
- WE can CONSOLIDATE your debt repayments into one affordable monthly installment
- WE can NEGOTIATE with your credit providers to reduce interest rates and fees on your accounts
- WE can get you DEBT FREE and issue you with a Clearance Certificate - CLEAR YOUR NAME
Our debt solutions can make debt collectors a thing of the past. Take control of your finances today and have peace of mind that your debt problems are being handled by DebtBusters, the award winning debt management company.
Call DebtBusters on 0869 99 06 06 or visit and let us help you today!
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