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Chief Operations Officer: Benay sager

4 September 2013

Benay Sager joined The IDM Group (IDM) as Chief Operations Officer in September 2013.

Previously, he was an Associate Principal at McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, where he worked for six years. While at McKinsey, Benay primarily worked on Strategy and Operations projects in Financial Services, Energy, and Mining industries across three continents.

Prior to that, Benay worked in the USA in a variety of industries, including paper, electronics, and biotechnology.

Benay’s educational background includes a Master of Business Administration, Ph.D. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, all from the Georgia Institute of Technology In Atlanta, GA, USA. As part of his Ph.D. work at Georgia Tech, Benay was involved in the development of 3D printing technologies for healthcare applications, for which he was co-awarded a U.S. Patent.

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Benay Sager is responsible for managing all operational aspects of IDM, is a key member of the executive team and provides vision, direction and management to ensure that all operational controls, administrative and reporting procedures are in place.

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