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Question How to apply for debt counselling

Can I apply for debt counselling if I already have judgements against me?

27 November 2012

Clients can still contact DebtBusters if they already have judgements against them.

However, DebtBusters insist that clients inform the company of their situation and do not fail to disclose any information, as omitting to provide certain information can have serious repercussions with the credit providers.

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4th floor Mutual Park, Jan Smuts Drive Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405
PAIA Manual

Operating Hours:

Mon-Thu: 07:00 - 21:00
Fri: 07:00 - 18:00
Sat: 09:00 - 12:30

Call our experts now on 0861 365 910 Registered debt counsellor NCRDC1801 NCRDC2374 NCRDC2499 A member of the National Debt Counsellors Association