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Question Debt Counselling and how it works

Will debt counselling cover all my debts?

27 November 2012

DebtBusters will include:

  • home loans
  • vehicle finance
  • credit cards
  • overdrafts, store cards
  • personal loans
  • micro loans

in the debt counselling process.

Need debt counselling or consolidation?

Explore DebtBusters' solutions for reducing your interest rates and unlocking cash.

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DebtBusters will then look at the clients monthly income and expenses in order to make expert recommendations about the amount the clients can afford to pay each month.

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Contact Us

4th floor Mutual Park, Jan Smuts Drive Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405
PAIA Manual

Operating Hours:

Mon-Thu: 07:00 - 21:00
Fri: 07:00 - 18:00
Sat: 09:00 - 12:30

Call our experts now on 0861 365 910 Registered debt counsellor NCRDC1801 NCRDC2374 NCRDC2499 A member of the National Debt Counsellors Association